»Doing Strange Things on the Moon?« PHUTURITY NOW! premieres with dorkbot.bln

PHUTURITY NOW! Installations, meetings, events under the blacklight of Bobblespace.

Since “Fly Utopia!” transmediale.2004, c-base, the open structured, independent research hub for the pursuit of scientific, cultural and other futuristic concerns of general public utility, is presenting each year a special programme week of media art and activism coinciding with and transmediale.10 and CTM.10. With PHUTURITY NOW! in 2010 the c-base main hall will be transformed into a ‘vintage 3d wireframe’ environment by Stefan Baumgärtner’s installation ‘Bobblespace’ [1], while the c-lab team will display their ‘c-base 3d-printer-demo’ and ‘ c-base multi-touch console’ installations at the starting dorkbot.bln event on Monday, February 1, 2010. A dorkbot highlight and a first glimpse of PHUTURAMA is the c-base Open Moon presentation of the Google Lunar-X-Prize team’s C-ROVE concept in fantastic renderings by mars [2].

• Monday, February 1, 2010; 20:00 > 5 € (Access free with CTM.10/transmediale.10 Festival Pass):
Doing Strange Things with Electricity, featuring: c-base 3d-printer (RepMan setup, installation & first testrun) by the c-lab team, ScreamPONG by ProjektionsAreal e. V. [3], C-ROVE (Moon rover design & development) by benone & mars, c-base Open Moon Project. Folowed by OpenMoon presentations, e. g. lazor experiences by gismo of Raumfahrtagentur. [4]

• Tuesday, February 2, 2010; 20:00 > Entrance free
Electronica, krautrock, synthesizer jam sessions – the weekly c-base jam session featuring PlayLive, an Ableton multi-touch user interface [5].

• Wednesday, February 3, 2010; 19:00 > Entrance free
Special get-together of the Berlin freifunk community at CTM.10/transmediale.10. freifunk is a non-commercial, free and open initiative that takes part in the global movement for creating free communication infrastructures. Featuring Freifunk Future of WIFI in metropolises / Status Berlin Talk (de); Smartphones vs. Cyborgs Talkshow (de) [Yan „t“ Minagawa & Stephan Karpischek] The Future of mobile personal assistants.

• Thursday, February 4, 2010; 20:00 > Entrance free
c-base Open Moon Project presentation, a side-event of Phuturama – Symposium on Speculative, Fictitious and Futuristic Design.

• Friday, February 5, 2010; 20:00 > Access free with CTM.10/transmediale.10 Festival Pass
Live classless Kulla & istari Lasterfahrer; Rubberhair; M. Featuring 2d & 3d-plotterbar (RepMan) and Video Community Lounge.

• Saturday, February 6, 2010; 20:00 > Access free with CTM.10/transmediale.10 Festival Pass

[1] Stefan Baumgärtner’s Website Bobblespace
[2] c-base Open Moon Official Google Lunar-X-Prize Team Website
[3] ProjektionsAreal e. V.
[4] Raumfahrtagentur @Hackerspace.org
[5] Marco Kuhn’s Website www.hi-pi.de

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